Quick Note: I liked using a lot of pictures for the last episode's recap, but it took too long, and eventually ended up being way too much. I'm going to keep it much shorter visually and try to add more text. I know this recap is late, but hopefully I can get the next one up within a couple days. I'm just waiting for the screencap site I use to load their pictures.

This episode was the first to start off with Jordan and Rusty officially dating. As excited as the audience was to see their romance progress, we were quickly interrupted by a bored and lonely Casey. Since Max is in England for a month, Casey doesn't have anyone to make plans with and ends up foring herself on her friends. She runs into Rusty and Jordan when they are out to eat, and once she is ditched by her own friends, she joins her brother's date and makes it her own social outing. Rusty and Casey end up fighting over who gets time with Jordan until she points out that she feels like a remote control being fought over by siblings. I still felt bad for Rusty because Casey came off so obnoxious. I hate girls that don't have a life outside their boyfriend, and it made me mad to see Casey had NOTHING to do without Max. And the fact that she would ruin Rusty's social life when he is just getting it together was pretty lame.

This story line was saved for me when the two siblings talked at the end of the episode. When Rusty said "If you had told me why you wanted to hang out, I probably would have gone to Dobbler's with you." I smiled. It was a good message that everyone should just let people know when they need them instead of just being upset over it later. My favorite line of the episode, though, was when Rusty was talking to Cappie about the problem.
Rusty: Casey would always go out when we were in high school, and I would stay at home watching Joan of Arcadia with my mom.
Cappie: Is that the show with the all the Navy Lawyers?
Rusty: That's JAG. I watched that afterwards with my dad.
Calvin's little story development was pretty interesting....in the hot sense. Calvin discovers one of his other frat brothers is gay, and the next day, Calvin is assigned to be his new roommate. Ashleigh tells him there is no way they can be just roommates and insists something will happen, but Calvin brushes it off. Unfortunately, being in close quarters with a half naked fellow gay frat brother doing crunches ends up being harder than he thought. He avoids any romantic involvement in this episode, but we all know that's coming. It'd be nice to see Calvin date again. He needs some loving, too.

The last part worth mentioning in this somewhat filler episode is the story between Cappie and Evan. As new brothers in a secret society, they are trying to keep up some sort of friendship. This attempt is thwarted by a fellow sister in the society whom they both have an eye for. Lucky for the guys, the girl turns out to be a crazy pet killer. She describes how she killed her first three pets by accident when she is doing the sharing ritual in front of the society members, and both Evan and Cappie (and probably the whole group) are pretty appalled.

I love when she stars describing how she used to love an animal so much that she squeezed it all the time, and Cappie makes a comment like "Please tell me this pet was a horse." They soon find out it was a cat, and it doesn't end well.....
This week's episode (the Homecoming one) was really good, so look for that review soon. I'm also really excited about the season finale, but I'll miss this show when it goes on hiatus until August.
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