Sadly, this past Saturday marked the last episode of Pushing Daisies. The episode started out with everyone celebrating Chuck's half birthday by going to the Aquacade, a show combining all different types of water acts, including a stunt show with a shark and a famous pair of sister synchronized swimmers. Chuck's aunts used to take her because of their past involvement with synchronized swimming, so they agree to go (in the present) in her honor. Chuck really wants to go again, too, so Ned agrees to it as a half birthday present (but keeps watch for her aunts so they don't get caught).
The fun outing soon turns bad when one of the sister swimmers gets swallowed by a shark. Both the shark and the sister die, eliminating two acts from the show. Emerson is hired by the shark's trainer to clear his name in the murder. The whole gang goes undercover (minus Chuck) as Lily and Vivian's entourage after the sisters agree to become the Aquacade's new opening act, and they dive right in (pun intended) to solving the mystery. They first suspect a jealous acrobatic swimmer, but he denies his motive and points his finger at the sister who is alive. While this leads the group in the right direction, they soon discover there is one more suspect they haven't cleared who just might be behind the whole thing.
The episode was fun as usual, and like the other recent episodes, it focused on the past of a supporting character (well in this case, characters, since it was about Chuck's aunts). I like how everyone was in a bunch of scenes together and weren't as scattered as usual. The aunts got more screen time, which added a lot to the show. Lily finally discovered Vivian's secret about being Chuck's mother, but just as she was about to throw her out at the end, a suprise visitor came to ease their feud.
The show's crew must have retouched this episode after finding out they were going to be cancelled because it wrapped with a hasty rundown of how all the characters ended up. Everybody somehow got their happy ending despite barely starting out on achieving it, but I think the writers wanted the audience to feel like there was a purpose to the show instead of leaving with a cliffhanger. I appreciate the effort, but it was so rushed that I felt it might have been better without it. Oh well. At least we know all will be well in Coeur d'Coeurs even if we can't keep an eye on it.
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