My sister recently pointed out that Zap2it, a site devoted to TV listings and news, is having a poll on the best TV characters from the decade. Every Monday the site will release new categories of characters for people to vote on. This week's list consists mostly of family member and workplace roles, but the categories seem to get more random as the weeks go on. Throughout the poll duration, I will post weekly on my picks for the categories and why I feel they are the best of the bunch. Keep in mind the site has already selected characters to vote on, and that the characters included are only from shows that have solely or mostly aired in the 2000's. Feel free to leave comments about your picks. I'd love to hear your opinions!
Best Mom: Lorelai Gilmore from "Gilmore Girls"
To me, this was no contest. Everyone wants to have a mom like Lorelai. In Gilmore Girls, Lorelai and Rory are only 16 years apart since Lorelai got pregnant as a teenager. The relationship between the girls is more friendly than mother/daughter, but Lorelai steps up to fulfill her mom duties when needed. Her biggest accomplishment? Being a great role model for her daughter. She turned her life around at a young age and ended up with a great kid and a well-deserved career as the co-owner of her own inn.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls with 22.1% of the votes

Currently Leading in the Polls: Lorelai Gilmore from Gilmore Girls with 22.1% of the votes
Best Dad: Sandy Cohen from "The O.C."

You can't go wrong with Sandy Cohen. This guy's moral compass hardly ever deviates from doing the right thing. As a lawyer, he always fights for the underdog kid or political issue, and as a dad, he never gives up on his kids. He only offers support when Ryan deals with a pregnant girlfriend, he high-fives Seth when he finally gets the girl, and he helps out Marissa, Theresa, Luke, and a slew of other friends of his sons when they need his advice and guidance. He also is able to hold the family together when Kirsten goes into rehab for her drinking problem. Seriously, this guy can handle anything.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Keith Mars from Veronica Mars with 17.8% of the votes
You can't go wrong with Sandy Cohen. This guy's moral compass hardly ever deviates from doing the right thing. As a lawyer, he always fights for the underdog kid or political issue, and as a dad, he never gives up on his kids. He only offers support when Ryan deals with a pregnant girlfriend, he high-fives Seth when he finally gets the girl, and he helps out Marissa, Theresa, Luke, and a slew of other friends of his sons when they need his advice and guidance. He also is able to hold the family together when Kirsten goes into rehab for her drinking problem. Seriously, this guy can handle anything.
Best Son/Daughter: Rory Gilmore from "Gilmore Girls"

Best Couple: Jim and Pam from "The Office"

These two are so normal and yet ridiculously cute together. In the first couple seasons of the show, we saw how much chemistry they had together, and I think the entire audience was rooting for Jim to win her over. When they finally got together in season 4, I was ecstatic. It was a big "Finally!" moment. They are now engaged and probably expecting a baby (though that isn't confirmed yet) after this last season finale, and it's pretty safe to assume there won't be any breaking up in their future. I should also note that it's refreshing to see a less soap opera-like romance on TV for once.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Jim and Pam from The Office with 18.7% of the votes

I was somewhat torn on this category between Rory and Seth from The O.C., but overall, I think Rory is a better choice. She has her share of failures (sleeping with a married ex, dropping out of Yale for a semester, etc.), but is overall very successful. She takes care of her mom equally if not more than her mom takes care of her, and she excels in school every year. She goes from valedictorian of her private high school to the editor and chief at the Yale Daily News, and even gets her dream job as a reporter when she is called upon to follow the Obama campaign trail. I also have to give this girl props for getting Dean, Jess, and Logan as boyfriends. They were all very cute and charming in their own ways. She is a great support for her mom on many occasions, including one of my favorite signs of loyalty- freezing out her grandmother after she breaks up Luke and Lorelai. I give her an A+ for that effort.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls with 23.2% of the votes
Currently Leading in the Polls: Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls with 23.2% of the votes
Best Couple: Jim and Pam from "The Office"

These two are so normal and yet ridiculously cute together. In the first couple seasons of the show, we saw how much chemistry they had together, and I think the entire audience was rooting for Jim to win her over. When they finally got together in season 4, I was ecstatic. It was a big "Finally!" moment. They are now engaged and probably expecting a baby (though that isn't confirmed yet) after this last season finale, and it's pretty safe to assume there won't be any breaking up in their future. I should also note that it's refreshing to see a less soap opera-like romance on TV for once.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Jim and Pam from The Office with 18.7% of the votes
Best Brother(s): The Winchesters from "Supernatural"

I've always said I love how Sam and Dean play off each other in Supernatural. It really is the best quality of the show, and I think the characteristic that is keeping it on the air. With Sam being sensitive and tortured, and Dean being the tough endearing ass, you can't help but love how they balance each other out. They are constantly trying to save each other, with Dean giving up his own soul to bring Sam back from the dead, and Sam trying to thwart the apocalypse to prevent Dean from having to fight Lucifer. It's a lot of self-sacrifice, but a lot of times the episodes have moments that break away from the drama with sarcastic dialogue between the brothers. It's pure comedy in the middle of a scary story. PS- I'd definitely love to date both of them ;)
Currently Leading in the Polls: Sam and Dean from Supernatural with 27.4% of the votes
Currently Leading in the Polls: Sam and Dean from Supernatural with 27.4% of the votes
Best Sister(s): The Halliwells from "Charmed"

The Halliwells are so close that when one of them dies, another one appears out of no where to fill the void. These three (four if you include both Prue and Paige) are pretty great together as they battle evil and their own personal dramas. I was really sad when Prue died, but it was interesting to see how the roles of all the sister's changed. Piper became the responsible one, Pheoebe became the peace keeper, and Paige became the new trouble maker. If the demon plot lines didn't hold, the sisters' relationship kept up the heart of the show which I felt made it last seven seasons. The show ended well and made sure to emphasize how that close bond remained throughout their lives.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Ellie Bartowski from Chuck with 20.1% of the votes
Best Reality Personality: Tim Gunn from "Project Runway"

The Halliwells are so close that when one of them dies, another one appears out of no where to fill the void. These three (four if you include both Prue and Paige) are pretty great together as they battle evil and their own personal dramas. I was really sad when Prue died, but it was interesting to see how the roles of all the sister's changed. Piper became the responsible one, Pheoebe became the peace keeper, and Paige became the new trouble maker. If the demon plot lines didn't hold, the sisters' relationship kept up the heart of the show which I felt made it last seven seasons. The show ended well and made sure to emphasize how that close bond remained throughout their lives.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Ellie Bartowski from Chuck with 20.1% of the votes
Best Boss: Sam Merlotte from "True Blood"

This category had a lot of good nominees. While Michael Scott was the obvious choice, I wouldn't really want to have him as a boss because he is annoying as hell sometimes. I would, however, love to work for Sam. He is probably the most understanding guy on the planet. A bunch of his waitresses randomly don't show up to work, but he never really makes a fuss about it. He also hires Tara out of the goodness of his heart in the pilot, even though she doesn't have the best attitude. Oh, and did I mention he is a shape shifter and hero protector? Sam's awesome.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Michael Scott from The Office with 18.4% of the votes

This category had a lot of good nominees. While Michael Scott was the obvious choice, I wouldn't really want to have him as a boss because he is annoying as hell sometimes. I would, however, love to work for Sam. He is probably the most understanding guy on the planet. A bunch of his waitresses randomly don't show up to work, but he never really makes a fuss about it. He also hires Tara out of the goodness of his heart in the pilot, even though she doesn't have the best attitude. Oh, and did I mention he is a shape shifter and hero protector? Sam's awesome.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Michael Scott from The Office with 18.4% of the votes
Best Co-Worker: Sookie St. James from "Gilmore Girls"

Another category with some great choices! I had to go with Sookie because she is GREAT at her job. She can cook anything with hardly any notice, and even goes above and beyond and caters for Lorelai when she needs some extra help. Despite a rough start, Sookie doesn't give up on Lorelai as they strive to open their own inn. The Dragonfly turns out to be pretty amazing, and we all know this wouldn't have happened without Sookie's fabulous cooking talents as the inn's personal chef. Sookie is also a loving mom, devoted wife, supportive best friend, and enthusiastic towns person. I think Gilmore Girls has some really great characters. I'm glad to see them well-represented in these polls.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Jim Halpert from The Office with 26.9% of the votes

I would vote for Betty Suarez, but I don't consider her an underling. An underling to me is a side character in a show that finds a way to stand out. Betty is a star in her own way, and doesn't need to be in this category. Anyway, Dorota is fabulous in Gossip Girl as Blair's maid and personal assistant. At first it was funny to see Blair make ridiculous requests, but Dorota really began to shine as she became more of a friend to Blair by helping guide her through her high school issues. I think she is just as conniving as Blair, but only shows her skills every once in awhile when her charge really needs help. I'm glad she is featured more and more as the show goes on.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Kenneth Parcell from 30 Rock with 18.1% of the votes

Another category with some great choices! I had to go with Sookie because she is GREAT at her job. She can cook anything with hardly any notice, and even goes above and beyond and caters for Lorelai when she needs some extra help. Despite a rough start, Sookie doesn't give up on Lorelai as they strive to open their own inn. The Dragonfly turns out to be pretty amazing, and we all know this wouldn't have happened without Sookie's fabulous cooking talents as the inn's personal chef. Sookie is also a loving mom, devoted wife, supportive best friend, and enthusiastic towns person. I think Gilmore Girls has some really great characters. I'm glad to see them well-represented in these polls.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Jim Halpert from The Office with 26.9% of the votes
Best Underling: Dorota from "Gossip Girl"

I would vote for Betty Suarez, but I don't consider her an underling. An underling to me is a side character in a show that finds a way to stand out. Betty is a star in her own way, and doesn't need to be in this category. Anyway, Dorota is fabulous in Gossip Girl as Blair's maid and personal assistant. At first it was funny to see Blair make ridiculous requests, but Dorota really began to shine as she became more of a friend to Blair by helping guide her through her high school issues. I think she is just as conniving as Blair, but only shows her skills every once in awhile when her charge really needs help. I'm glad she is featured more and more as the show goes on.
Currently Leading in the Polls: Kenneth Parcell from 30 Rock with 18.1% of the votes

I love Tim Gunn. He is so supportive to all the contestants. Even when he is criticizing, he does it in a way that makes the designers feel like he really believes in them and wants them to succeed. After all his experience, I would trust this man's opinion completely, but the designers sometimes are too stubborn and stick to their own beliefs. Too bad they always get attacked on the runway for the one thing Tim Gunn said to avoid. You would think they would learn to listen to him by now...
Currently Leading in the Polls: Simon Cowell from American Idol with 21.7% of the votes
Currently Leading in the Polls: Simon Cowell from American Idol with 21.7% of the votes
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